In my first post I neglected to mention my swearing in ceremony. For some reason I have to continually remind myself that I'm moving to Egypt for a job and not for a semester abroad or extended vacation or something. Reality smacked me in the face the other day when my predecessor brought me 2 boxes full of files and binders she used during her time in Cairo. It might take me the rest of my time in the states to go through all of it. Maybe it's all so outdated I won't need to take it with me? Wishful thinking.
Back to the swearing in: it was a couple of weeks ago and it was a lovely, incredibly short ceremony. It literally took us longer to get to the room than it did for me to take the oath and sign my papers. I was blessed and honored to have an entourage there with me to witness it. (I know Lillian and Lindsey would have been there, but Lillian was busy running the National Cherry Blossom Festival (no biggie) and Lindsey lives in St Louis.) On my way to the Department of Commerce headquarters I began to feel a tremendous amount of anxiety and couldn't figure out why. Then my mom and Lindsey, independently of one another, reminded me that this ceremony meant things were officially getting REAL. Speaking of things getting real, I finally got my travel orders - I depart on June 15th, assuming I get my dip passport and visa by then. So even though it's official, I won't consider it officially official until I have a plane ticket in my hand.
Today marks the end of a week-long celebration for our dear friend Wayne's birthday. It was the first anniversary of his 39th...we're not talking about it. I'm miffed that he decided to move back to DC from Phoenix right before I move, but I'll take as much Wayne time as I can get until then. He's the life of the party - even when there's no party - and I will miss him terribly.
Yesterday there was a cast party for ArtStream's Gaithersburg Inclusive Acting Companies. Talk about missing people terribly. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to help lead such an amazing group of people (I'm still on the board, just not the chair anymore - and yes, the plan is for me to Skype into board meetings in the middle of the night Cairo time.) ArtStream changed my life and if you're in the DC area you should check us out ( and go see a show/volunteer/donate/join the board. It will change your life, too, I promise.
I head home to Florida tomorrow for a couple of weeks - most likely the last time before I move - which means I get to see my little man Murray! And my mom and granny and great aunt and all my friends of course :) Spending Memorial Day Weekend in Florida is always fun, and I'm also going to be helping mom move into her new house which we are very excited about. It has a big fenced-in back yard for Murray to run around in, but he's never had his own yard so I'm not sure he'll know what to do with it. I do know he will spend a great deal of time claiming every. single. bush. as his very own.
While I'm home the goal is to practice some Arabic every day. My teacher stopped giving me homework a long time ago because he finally accepted that I wasn't going to do it. I graduated from school a long time ago - homework is hard. But mom knows enough Arabic to be able to help me study so we'll see how it goes. When I get to Egypt it will take me about 2 weeks to start dreaming in Arabic (this happens every time I go there) so I'm not all that worried about being able to communicate with folks. Plus, all of my work at the embassy will be in English so there's that.
Now that there's an official departure date I know it will be here in what feels like 5 minutes. In the meantime I want to be here, now - not waiting to leave. The time will come when it comes, regardless of how quickly or slowly (depending on how I feel on any given day) I want it to. Deep breaths, one thing at a time, everything is as it should be.
The view from our little front porch nook.
Approximately half of the files bequeathed to me by my predecessor.
My entourage (from the left): Charla, baby Grant,
Donna, Alain, Laure, Wayne, me, Jackson & Giselle.
It's official! I'm a First Commercial Officer.